Calc : Function to get only filename

I have used:


It is very long.

Can you please show yours shorter than this ?

Would you mind to tell us what “filename” looks like?


Function: =CELL(“filename”)


The result of such long function: Filename1.ods

This matches the file name portion


unless your sheet name literally contains '#$.

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Really great - but could you explain, just to satisfy my curiosity, why #\$ are required in look ahead (?=...) (if I leave it off it looks still working).

@erAck @anon73440385

Thank you so much.

If you omit #\$ thus have only (?=') then if the sheet name contains ' the greedy [^/]+ match matches up to that position.

@erAck Thanks - now I finally understand your unless your sheet name literally contains '#$ restriction and my bias ( My bias interpreted "unless contains any of ', # or $ - I’m embarrassed ;-( )

The greediness of the regex can be fixed like this:


Rationale:CELL(“filename”) returns an URI; in the URI, the # is a reserved character that separates fragment; so if this character happens to appear in filename, it would be encoded as %23, so it’s safe to disallow that character in the filename part. Then the search will stop at the first encounter of '#\$, and not on possible following occurrences in sheet name.

Good observation :slight_smile:

To get the file name without the extension, I just replaced the (?=’#$) with (?=.) and that worked for me


my formula would look like


Note: For sure someone will be able to put everything into a single regular expression.


Thank you so much.

My file is a .xlsx

This is what I use to to return the filename without the “.xlsx” extension. You can just modify by changing the extension you want to remove.

I tried the previous solutions, but I was getting the extension in the end and I didn’t want that.

This is the function shown below


will do. Empty cell is better.

It doesn’t matter for the function with "FILENAME" argument. But your “answer” is not an answer/solution to the question/problem and should had been a comment instead.

You can write your own custom Cell function in the macro editor. Then you will able to call it by name.
The code uses the built-in Library “Tools”, what you mus load into memory before you use it.
In my sample code there is hints to separate the filename and its extension - if it needed.

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Function GetFileName()
	'Load the built-in "Tools" library, what contains the functions used below
	if (Not GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools")) Then
	end if
	sURL = ThisComponent.URL
	sFnameAndExt = FileNameoutofPath(sURL)
	'How to separate the filename and the extension if it needed:
	'sFileName = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sFnameAndExt)
	'sFileExt = GetFileNameExtension(sFnameAndExt)
'GetFileName = sFileName & "." & sFileExt
GetFileName = sFnameAndExt
End function

GetFileName.ods (9.6 KB)

You can make this code more “foolprof” by examining if the document has an URL, or it is an unsaved new document yet.