Libreoffice calc

I am using libreoffice calc. I am trying to see if this could work. date +30 then money - 200 and end result would be 12/10/19+30=01/10/2020 | $2000 -200= $1800 data show is
01/10/2020 $1800
in one cell

I am getting data from one sheet to the next for payment history i want it to keep going until the total is at $0

=$‘Bill List’.B3 -30 = new date
=$‘Bill List’.D3 - $‘Bill List’.E3 = new amount My Bill overview 1.ods

This is probably simple to do, but if you want a good answer we need to see your layout. Can you attach a file? Edit your question and click the paperclip icon in the toolbar.

Amounts and other confidential info does not need to be authentic. This is a public place, so you may want to alter file contents on what you attach. Make a copy of your file, so you don’t mess up your own work.

Not sure what you mean by “getting data from one sheet to the next”, but for what it is worth:

Using different sheets for period delimiting (weekly/monthly sheets) is often a bad idea. A single table flow is usually easier to work with. Period segmentation can be done from that table later as long as you use proper (full) dates for each entry. Going the other way is possible, but in most cases it is a complicated task.

Thank you for answer I added the file

“getting data from one sheet to the next” I mean like the name, number, date i get it from bill list so if i need to edit anything will update other than going and changing each date and text


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In C7 use the formula:

="$"&SUM(C4-C3)&" - "&DAY(C2+30)&"/"&MONTH(C2+30)&"/"&YEAR(C2+30)

test file

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