Easy way (short cut) to hide and show rows?

Is there a short cut to hide and show rows in libre office calc. I know and understand how to perform the action by selecting rows and right click. It would save so much time if I could predefine selected rows to hide and show, then have a short cut to show and hide those predefined cells thereafter.

I understand the original Question and Answer, but is there a way to add new rows of data to the existing group or is it necessary to remove the original group and create a new group to get these new rows added?


the method for this is called Group and Outline and can be reached via Data -> Group and Outline. If you select some rows and select Data -> Group and Outline -> Group then a + symbol appears left to the row numbers. Clicking toggles hide and show

Note: You may customize keyboard shortcuts (or use the existing ones, if not aleady used by your operating system) to easily define and remove those groupings.

Hope that helps.

What a legend, thank you so much.

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BTW: This also works for columns.