Two columns of text in two different languages

Hello, I am trying to create a document with two columns of text where one column is in english and the other is in another language. I am trying to keep the text in the two columns aligned such that the text in english and text in the other language are next to each other. This document extends to multiple pages. How do I change the way that text flows so that when the text reaches the bottom of the page in either column it goes to the equivalent column on the next page instead of flowing into the column on the same page? I.E. I am trying to keep the english text in the english column and the text in the other language in the appropriate other language column as it flows from page to page.

Use two-column table. Table idiom matches exactly a concept of “data structured into several columns, where each row has the data in columns related to each other”. Columnar page/section layout does not match that concept; it’s about “flow text from one column into another”.

Thanks a bunch for your quick reply!
This solution does do what I wanted.