The wizard to create form or table is not function

Before and after update and Java is update.

Besides the fact that this post doesn’t provide almost no information, what is your question? Please read this

LibreOffice doesn’t recognize JRE. The wizard to create forms and tables doesn’t function.

This is the message when I try use the wizards to create a form or table:LibreOffice requires a 64-bit Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this task. Please install a JRE and restart LibreOffice.

JRE is update.

LibreOffice is update.

Hello - you still make claims, but do not provide the relevant information

Claim 1: JRE is update - which version are you using, from which resource and which bitness (32-bit or 64-bit)

Claim 2: LibreOffice is update. - Which version of LibreOffice on which operating system?

Did you check Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> Advanced -> Category: Java Options for required settings ?
Did you read FAQ 1 and FAQ 2 for installing correct Java version?

From your error message it is quite clear that you don’t have a working JRE (and if you are on Mac OS X then you need JDK).