How to extract element from string

I want to extract the elements in a specific position in a stsring and to put them in cells in a diferent sheet.
They are separated by interval.

this is the excel function which makes it =ExtractElement(A1,1,".")

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This shows that text function names could be more intuitive. I would expect “SUBSTR” or “SUBSTRING”, rather than “MID”. I haven’t seen “MID” in any programming language.

In LibreOffice help:

MID(“Text”; Start; Number)
Text is the text containing the characters to extract.
Start is the position of the first character in the text to extract.
Number specifies the number of characters in the part of the text.
Example =MID(“office”;2;2) returns ff.

To find the start number for a specific character.
FIND(“FindText”; “Text”; Position)
FindText refers to the text to be found.
Text is the text where the search takes place.
Position (optional) is the position in the text from which the search starts.
Example =FIND(76;998877665544) returns 6.


SEARCH(“FindText”; “Text”; Position)
FindText is the text to be searched for.
Text is the text where the search will take place.
Position (optional) is the position in the text where the search is to start.
Example =SEARCH(54;998877665544) returns 10.

The difference between FIND and SEARCH are:
FIND is case sensitive.
SEARCH allow regular expression.

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This type processes can be done with regex (Regular Expression) method.
For example ,I made a template about “Seperating Texts and Numbers In Cell” with Regular Expression.Data are parsed with a button.

Example Can Be Viewed and Can Be Downloaded Here