LO on Linux Mint: Macro working in OO no longer works

Six weeks ago I migrated from Windows 10 to Linux Miint.
I was using OpenOffice on Windows, and am now using LibreOffice on Mint.
One file has a macro to import updated records from a text file on another Linux machine into Calc.
This macro no longer works.
The other machine (rpi32) is ‘mapped’ as:

# [2019-11-10 07:37] maxg@maxg-pc-mint ~ $ 
la /home/maxg/rpi32/sppro/
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 2 1001 1001 4096 Jun 25 21:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 1001 1001 4096 Aug  4 11:33 ..
-rwx------ 1 1001 1001 7531 Nov 10 02:02 PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt

The text file is listed above (PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt)

The macro is:

Sub DataFromFile
  ' reading txt, and adding lines not in the spreadhseet into first/next empty row
  ' all indexes start at zero
  ' 190120 MaxG v1.1 - clean-up and documentation
  ' 190120 MaxG v1.0 - added: write all missing TXT records to next empty spreadsheet rows
  ' 190119 MaxG v0.2 - added: write array for last TXT row
  ' 190118 MaxG v0.1 - PoC; read TXT, write raw line
  ' establish environment
  myWorkBook   = ThisComponent
  'targetSheet  = myWorkBook.Sheets(3)   ' 3 = sheet 4
  targetSheet  = myWorkBook.Sheets.getByName("PowerFlow")
  targetColumn = targetSheet.Columns(0) ' column A
  sourceText   = FreeFile

  Select Case getGUIType
    Case 1: sourceFile = convertToURL("\\RPI32\maxg\sppro\PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")
    case 4: sourceFile = convertToURL("/home/maxg/sppro/PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")
  End Select

  Dim eRgs  As Object                  ' ?
  Dim u     As Integer                 ' ?
  eRgs = targetColumn.queryEmptyCells  ' get empty cells
  u    = eRgs.Count - 1                ' u seems to be always 0; why?
  ' catch error: if no rows left, and exit program
  If u < 0 Then 
    MsgBox("No empty row in column.")
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Dim getFirstEmptyRow As Integer      ' in spreadsheet
  Dim lastNonEmptyRow  As Integer      ' in spreadsheet
  ' determine the first empty row in column
  getFirstEmptyRowInColumn = Split(eRgs.RowDescriptions(0), " ")
  ' extract first empty row
  firstEmptyRow = cInt(getFirstEmptyRowInColumn(1)) - 1
  ' set last non-empty row
  lastNonEmptyRow = firstEmptyRow - 1
  Dim oLastSheetDate   As Object       ' object last date in the spreadsheet
  Dim lastSheetDate    As Date         ' last date in the spreadsheet
  Dim rowAdanceCounter As Integer      ' row advance counter; to increment row position by one per date
  Dim txtDate          As Date         ' date from row in text file
  ' get the last date from the sheet
  oLastSheetDate = targetSheet.getCellByPosition(0, lastNonEmptyRow)
  'MsgBox "oLastSheetDate | row=" & oLastSheetDate.getValue & " | " & lastNonEmptyRow + 1
  lastSheetDate = oLastSheetDate.getValue
  rowAdanceCounter = 0                 ' init to 0, increment in import loop
  Open sourceFile For Input As sourceText
  ' go through source text file line by line until EOF
  While Not EOF(sourceText)
    ' get one line at a time
    Line Input #sourceText, currentLine
    ' turn text values delimited by TAB into an array
    arrCurrentLine = Split(currentLine, Chr(9))
    ' get date of line
    txtDate = arrCurrentLine(0)
    'MsgBox "txtDate=" & txtDate
    If txtDate > lastSheetDate Then
      ' now put data into the spreadsheet
      'MsgBox "txtDate > lastSheetDate -> row to add"
      Dim numItems As Integer          ' number of array items
      Dim cell As Object               ' cell to work with
      Dim i As Integer                 ' foor loop counter
      i = 0
      numItems = Ubound(arrCurrentLine)
      ' run through the text line array and place one value in cells moving right
      For i = 0 to numItems
        ' set desired cell position
        cell = targetSheet.getCellByPosition(i, firstEmptyRow + rowAdanceCounter)
        ' loop through text line array
        If i <> 0 then
          ' write cell as number
          cell.Value = arrCurrentLine(i)
          ' write first cell (a date) as date via .FormulaLocal
          cell.FormulaLocal = arrCurrentLine(i)
        End If
      Next i
      rowAdanceCounter = rowAdanceCounter + 1
    End If
  Close sourceText
End Sub

The bit I have changed trying to make it work is this part:

  Select Case getGUIType
    Case 1: sourceFile = convertToURL("\\RPI32\maxg\sppro\PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")
    case 4: sourceFile = convertToURL("/home/maxg/sppro/PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")
  End Select

Which was before (on Windows/OO):

sourceFile = convertToURL("\\RPI32\maxg\sppro\PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")

At present the macro errors out with: Basic I/O error pointing to this line:

Open sourceFile For Input As sourceText

Any hints would be much appreciated.


your list commands shows path: /home/maxg/rpi32/sppro/

while your case statement doesn’t contain ../rpi32/..
case 4: sourceFile = convertToURL("/home/maxg/sppro/PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")

and thus should probably read:
case 4: sourceFile = convertToURL("/home/maxg/rpi32/sppro/PowerFlowSummaryLog.txt")
to find the sourceFile

Hope that helps

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Ouch, this hurts…
I corrected the missing path part…
… and tried again to no avail.
Then I thought why not open that source file directly?!

So I did and got this:
image description

… which points to a file permission problem… looking into it…
… fixed!

Now all is working as designed.

Thanks :slight_smile: