How to make arrowlines with text at the end in DRAW?

How can I draw a simple arrow and put a bit of text at the end of the line like I can do with “leaderlines” in AutoCAD? I have tried messing around with callouts but I dont want the text box around the text. I can easily draw an arrow and then add a text box next to it and make the text box lines transparent. But the objects aren’t linked and there are way too many steps for each note I need to make. The closest I got was just drawing an arrow line, double clicking it and typing some text. I can use Fontwork tools to rotate text and align but there are way too many steps. And the text is still on the line. Is there any more simple straightforward way to draw “leaderlines” with text?

The best workaround I have found is with arrow connector (use the connectors toolbox, not plain arrows/lines) and a text object. A couple of steps but workable. If the predefined connection points are not where you need it, you can add your own “glue points”.

Any graphic object in Draw can have text attached to it. In a sense, a text box is just a void graphic object with text. The text can be anchored and positioned freely relative to the enclosing bounding box of the shape.

  1. Create the arrow

  2. Double click on it to add text

  3. Format>Text

  4. Modify Text Anchor to select one of the border positions

    Caution, vertical anchor seems to be mirrored.

  5. Adjust Spacing to borders so that text is not blurred by the shape itself

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“Caution, vertical anchor seems to be mirrored.” No, you need to think it this way: The text, which can have several lines, builds a block, and with “top” you say, that the top of this block is anchored to the line and further lines will go in direction down from the line. With vertical “middle” you say, that expansion happens in both directions. And with “bottom”, you fix the bottom of the text block to the line and expansion of the text block goes upwards.