What's the reason for this feature disappearing?

Hi, all. In both Excel, as well as LibreOffice Calc (Still Branch), you can simultaneously press Ctrl + apostrophe (’) to copy the contents of the cell above into the current cell. This simple shortcut is an extraordinary time-saver. Oddly, this no longer works in the Fresh Branch version of Calc. Anyone knows why they removed this shortcut, and, is there a way to reestablish it in the Fresh Branch?

Do you mean Ctrl+D (aka; “copy down”)?

I believe I spoke too quickly, and Ctrl+D is in fact not the proper answer to my question.

As I stated earlier, in both Excel (at least until I stopped using it in Office 2013) and the Still version of Calc, Ctrl + apostrophe (’) copied the contents of the cell above into the current cell, but it did not alter the formatting of the current cell. Ctrl + D, on the other hand, copies everything, contents and formatting, from the cell above to the current cell, a behavior which is sometimes not desired at all.

And, last but not least, Ctrl + apostrophe (’) was not a personal custom shortcut when I encountered it in both Excel and Calc Still as stated earlier, said shortcut was present right out of the box, as it were.

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Ah! No, I meant exactly what I stated, Ctrl + ’

However, stupid me, I hadn’t realized Ctrl + D did the same. Thanks, ajlittoz, problem solved!!

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For ages, the command to copy down cell content, both in Excel and Calc, has been Ctrl+D.

The alternate shortcut may be a personal custom shortcut. The reason why D is preferrend on ' is the later location on keyboard varies, depending on national disposition and ' may need use of Shift.

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