Find and replace (add a string at the beginning of each line)

I have a poem that looks like the below

when I do reveal non printing characters there is a Pilcrow sign at the end of each line.
What I want to do is to add a string
at the beginning of each line

I tried find \n and replace \n
but this did not work.

What’s the work around please?


This is example of a poem
This is its line two
Third line and

This is second verse
second line of the second vers

there is a Pilcrow sign at the end of each line. What I want to do is to add a string
at the beginning of each line

Activate Regular Expressions.

Find: (.*)

Replace: mystring$1

mystring = your choice

This is example of a poem This is its line two Third line and Fourth
This is second verse second line of the second vers third fourth

That’s too cryptic for my simple mind… :wink:

There are other solutions for RegEx possible, too. Please specify your question (EDIT your question).

Thank you it did the trick
BTW the example of the poem was written on different line but after saving the question theey become one line.