How to start LODev alpha1

I installed it; I modified it; I repaired it (under Windows); I installed Java RE; still, LO 6.3.2 appears alone as a Win10 app.

How do you (try to) start it?

Because dev versions are installed in parallel to released versions. They have a different profile in C:/users/?user?/Appdata/Roaming/LibreOffice or LibreOfficeDev, Appdata it’s a hydden folder. Also in C:/Programs…/ they have different folders.

A good tool to try dev versions it`s using GUI Install, you can find it in Index of /si-gui/ download and run setup.exe file in it, really a great tool for that. It allows to install the program where you like and add an icon to desktop.

I could not download setup.exe because a virus was detected by Google Chrome.
Also, I could not find LibreOfficeDev in Appdata, even as a hidden folder --Windows showing hidden items.