LibreOffice Calc - Macro to increase/decrease Cell Font Size

In Excel, I found this Macro that allows you to Increase/Decrease cell Font Size of active cell (using Keyboard Shortcuts).

Is there a way to recreate something similar in LibreOffice?

  • Sub MakeBigger()
  • Selection.Font.Size = Selection.Font.Size + 1
  • End Sub
  • Sub MakeSmaller()
  • Selection.Font.Size = Selection.Font.Size - 1
  • End Sub

There’s dedicated Increase function that increases font size by 2 pts (not 1) - you may bind it to any keyboard shortcut using ToolsCustomize; search for “Increase” typing it in the search box on Keyboard tab, and use the last of the three displayed “Increase” functions. Ditto for “Decrease” (but iiuc, it’s the second of the three “Decrease” functions. Confusing to have three identical names for three different functions, I know. tdf#129122).

Wow! Thank you!!!
Quick question though, why is the increment 2 rather than 1?