Corrupted spacing between characters..

I guess the picture is self explanatory …

This does not happen with google docs or MS office online.

I have the same problem, but it only appears on my screen. When I print a document, the spacing between characters is always as it should be. Try it.

The problem might be font-specific (Liberation sans?). I have not investigated that aspect.

I guess the picture is self explanatory …

Computer aphorism: A constant is another man’s variable. Then, where should I look? The boxed words?

Unless I’m wrong, your picture uses two fonts. To guarantee consistency, first restyle your document with paragraph and character styles, not direct formatting, to make sure the same properties are applied everywhere.

Yes the boxed words. Arial font + bold Arial font is being used.

words with red rectangle around them have corrupted spacing. the one with green rectangle around it has the correct spacing.