Does Base 6.2.8 do multi-user with embedded database?

Firebird embedded

I am new to Base. Used Access since 1.1
Access can do a (mostly) multi-user. Does Base 6.2.8 do this in any fashion?

I know I could setup a firebird instance, but that is extra work for a simple solution that only has 2 or 3 users. There is not interest in spending much on the solution.

If the users click the LO File-Save after updating or inserting a row (record), does the other user have that new row appear?


When using an embedded database it is single user only. The user who has opened the Base file is the one who is updating the internal database when the Save button is clicked (Firebird only needs this). If others have opened a copy of this Base file they are working with a copy of the database which is in that Base file.

For multi-user access a server is needed or only one person at a time may use the Base file.

unfortunate. I will now explore installing firebird and migrating the data to the service.


If doing so, I recommend using a JDBC connector → Jaybird. I currently have v3.0.6 installed.

ODBC has given me too many problems.