What Java version works with LO Base and Mac OSX 10.13

Mac 10.13.6 LO Base cannot access/recognize/use the Java in my Mac. I spent days installing Java RTE and Java a year ago and finally gave up. Base will not make a report saying it cannot locate Java. All the language on the Java website in inscrutable to me.


on macOS you need JDK (not JRE) - see Frequently asked questions - General - The Document Foundation Wiki

https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html - search for jdk-8u231-macosx-x64.dmg

JDK 11
https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk11-downloads-5066655.html - search for jdk-11.0.5_osx-x64_bin.dmg

In both cases you need to accept license agreement in advance (an that’s the reason, why this answer can’t provide a direct link to the JDK). Please be aware that Oracle changed license conditions and Java isn’t free for commercial use any longer.

Hope that helps.

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This may be a wonderful answer, but I don’t understand it. I went to the first link (document foundation). It tells me that Mac OS will not support any Java. Then there is a link labeled JDK 8 and one labeled JDK 11. Am I supposed to install either, or both? I am just an individual sitting at a computer in his basement (not 400 lbs. and not on a bed. I don’t know what this answer is telling to do.

Sorry - but this is just ridiculous …

OK. I’ll have to give up this again this year.

I downloaded all three links. Found the two “search for” items, downloaded and installed them.
Went to Base started the process of creating a database and was told “cannot find any Java”
I’m just trying to find a way to print 54 labels for our annual Christmas letter. At this rate, I’d best just hand address the envelopes.