When cut and paste text changes

Hello, all.

I just had a quick question. I am switching my old WPS documents to Libre and I set up a template to match the WPS, I type in new courier 12, when I cut and paste the first line or paragraph changes to times new. It’s not a major deal I just go back and select all and change text to new courier. So, I guess I’m asking; does anyone know why it does this and if there is a way to have it not do this?

Can’t post an answer since @AlexKemp closed it for some reason, but you can make it paste the text without formatting by pressing Ctrl + Shift + v. This would pop up a dialog that asks which format do you want to paste text in, click “unformatted”.

It looks to me that you are coping FORMATTED text and then paste the text. In this case LibreOffice will just paste FORMATTED text and override your settings. This works as designed, so user that already has formatted text will not lose formatting after pasting…

One of the way to solve this problem is to paste non-formatted text, but this can’t be done without some advance clipboard manager. I have installed Ditto clipboard manager on Windows from http://ditto-cp.sourceforge.net/

Start Ditto and select Options from right menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Text only paste: type in letter T and check Win checkbox. (you can set any other shortcut if you like)

Now copy text like ordinary CTRL+C and when you would like to paste formatted text, just paste with CTRL+V, but when you would like to paste non-formatted text (like in your case), then press Windows_key+T and text gets pasted non-formatted in this case the font you have selected before pasting is going to be used.

One other thing. You wrote that you select courier 12 before pasting, maybe you also need to change template to have this font and font size to be selected automatically using paragraph style…

Sounds complicated. I’m afraid I’m not a real computer person, just simple typing. I do have my template in Libre as close to old Microsoft works 8 (wps). I have the margins set and courier 12 is my default text. When I cut and paste (script style) it keeps everything as I have it, just that one little thing and it only does it at the top, the rest is fine. I just didn’t know if there was a bug in Libre or not. I don’t have much more to go to switch over. I just thought maybe the Libre crew might look into it. I think it would be more helpful though to just contact them directly than having to post on a forum.