How can I uninstall LibreOffice calc 6.3? (Ubuntu OS)

I’m not sure how but, somehow I have both LO 6.3 and the previous version in my Ubuntu 18 Dock. When I open a LO calc file it opens in the 6.3 version. However, this is much slower than the previous version and I would like to return to the “still” version until such time as the “fresh” version (6.3) is stable. How can I do this safely?

As requested by Opaque: Please execute dpkg --list | egrep “libobasis|libreoffice” >/tmp/LibO-installed.txt.odt and provide the content via upload (the .odt extension is just to have an extension, which passes the allowed-file-extension filter of this website):

ii libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 GStreamer backend for LibreOffice ii libreoffice-base-core 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – shared library ii libreoffice-calc 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – spreadsheet ii libreoffice-common 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 all office productivity suite – arch-independent files ii libreoffice-core 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – arch-dependent files ii libreoffice-draw 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – drawing ii libreoffice-gnome 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – GNOME integration ii libreoffice-gtk3 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – GTK+ 3 integration ii libreoffice-help-en-us 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 all office productivity suite – English_american help ii libreoffice-impress 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – presentation
ii libreoffice-math 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – equation editor ii libreoffice-ogltrans 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 LibreOffice Impress extension for slide transitions using OpenGL ii libreoffice-pdfimport 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 all transitional package for PDF Import component for LibreOffice ii libreoffice-style-breeze 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 all office productivity suite – Breeze symbol style
ii libreoffice-style-galaxy 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 all office productivity suite – Galaxy (Default) symbol style ii libreoffice-style-tango 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 all office productivity suite – Tango symbol style ii libreoffice-writer 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 amd64 office productivity suite – word processor

Thanking you in anticipation.

[Edit - Opaque] Deleted the comments showing the dpkg output a second time.

How can I do this safely?

You don’t know how (and this also implicitly means "what exactly, since there are TDF packages, snap packages, PPA images…) you got that on your system and are asking for a save method to get rid of?

Please execute dpkg --list | egrep "libobasis|libreoffice" >/tmp/LibO-installed.txt.odt and provide the content via upload (the .odt extension is just to have an extension, which passes the allowed-file-extension filter of this website)

Please do not use Add Answer but edit your original question to enhance the details of your question. Thanks in advance …

Thank you - but, when I execute as you have asked I just get a return to the “$” prompt with no results.

but, when I execute as you have asked I just get a return to the “$” prompt with no results

… which is expected, since the output is written to /tmp/LibO-installed.txt.odt, which you are asked to attach to your question :wink:

Sorry I’m lost. So, are you saying that I must add the zero return to my question. Sorry, I’m not being perverse - I just don’t understand what you are getting at.

@mikekaganski is asking you to upload the file you created via the terminal (the terminal is what you call prompt). What @anon73440385 told you to do in the terminal is for creating a file with things written in it. That’s what the terminal did (the terminal is not talkative, it just do, that’s why you did not get answers) and Now you need to get this file and this file is in the directory tmp from the root of your hard drive or SSD and the file you created via the terminal is called LibO-installed.txt.odt inside this tmp directory. then you edit your question to upload this very file. Like that we can see what’s inside the file for us to know more about your LibreOffice installation.

If you do not find it, your system might have cleaned up the tmp directory (tmp stand for temporary), just copy and paste the command Opaque gave you and execute it again, then the file will be in the tmp directory again

Thank you very much - I do appreciate your patience. I will try and do what you indicate. I am not a whiz at techie stuff - I am 70 years old! Many thanks once again.

Nothing tells anything about installed 6.3 version (everything shows version 6.0.7) - so it is unclear what makes you assume, that you still have 6.3 (besides you are telling that calc docs open in 6.3) - did you use some flatpack or snap version (which could not be seen by dpkg)?

Incidental remark: What is the problem to use the (red) clip symbol to attach/upload a file here, when you are editing your original question ?

image description

Many thanks for your reply. I am very confused now:

  1. Firstly, the red clip you indicate is not available to me in this box as I type. It is in the Answer question box (below) but you have asked me not to use that box - preferring me to use these (ad a comment" boxes.
  2. About the version - I will attach a screenshot in the answer question box below to show that I have the 6.3 version.
    Thank you for your on-going help.
    Sincerely, DB

Screenshot of proof of LibreOffice calc 6.3 version attached.

Firstly, the red clip you indicate is not available to me in this box as I type

I wrote *when you are **edit*ing your original question - I did not write when you are adding a comment. There is a small edit pencil like icon just beneath your original question - see (I admit that the positioning is far beyond optimal or intuitive).

According to your statement:

Screenshot of proof of LibreOffice calc 6.3 version attached.

I cannot see any screenshot attached. Again use edit and I do not doubt that you have 6.3 installed. The only thing is: You haven’t installed it using Ubuntu’s default method to install software (which would be apt and dpkg). There are other methods like snap and flatpak (yes, it is pretty confusing). Thus please provide output of snap list.

OK - here I sit at my computer - Ubuntu 18. How do I provide output of snap list? I can use a terminal if that is required. Many thanks for your patience. And, by the way, I have now attached the screenshot. And spoken to my son - who says he can’t remember doing it! Sorry for the mess.
I have tried to uninstall using:
sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*

sudo apt-get clean

sudo apt-get autoremove

but it only removes the old version and 6.3 remains.


  • Forget (for the moment) everything using apt and apt-get - as mentioned this is not the method LibreOffice 6.3 has been installed, otherwise we would see any reference to 6.3 in dpkg --list output.
  • Open a terminal and execute snap list and provide the output.
  • I still cannot see the screenshot

Managed to find a solution:
Used Ubuntu’s software manager to uninstall both the old and the new version (of LibreOffice).

For novices, you will find the “Ubuntu Software” icon in the Dock (red suitcase with and ‘A’ on the front) - find LibreOffice and uninstall. Might need to do it twice if you have 2 versions installed as I did (versions 6.0 and 6.3).

I then re-installed LibreOffice (using “Ubuntu Software” app) and everything is now hunky-dory.

And, again, for novices, just to let you know that I lost no files - so don’t worry about this. Nevertheless, always wised to back-up to an external drive before doing something like this.

Thanks to Opaque for his patience and for the help of others.