Where can I find a summary of the OO flavor of RegEx

In learning to use RegEx I keep stumbling on “Did I do this wrong?” or “Did I do this right, but in some other flavor of RegEx?”.

Is there a place to go to find a summary of what RegEx works and does not work in OO?

Thanks so much.


this site isn’t about OO but about LibreOffice and LibreOffice implements ICU Regular Expressions - see ICU User Guide and see LibreOffice Help - List of Regular Expressions

Hope that helps.

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see ICU User Guide

… which is linked from the help page on regexes mentioned by @anon73440385 (link appeared there starting from version 6.2; previously, it only was available from “Wiki page about regular expressions in *” also present on the said help page).

New ICU’s Regular Expressions page.