Librecalc: when recording macro

Librecalc: when recording macro rows and columns are deleted entirely, when running the macro only content of the rows and columns are delete. How do I correct this problem in the macro? novist

Opaque = not able to be seen through; not transparent. Seems suitable.

So let me explain more:

When the cursor is on the 1 of the first row and I right click there is an option “delete rows” and then row 2 will become row 1. When I record and run the macro, row 1 will be empty and row 2 stays row 2?

when recording macro rows and columns are deleted entirely,

This is incomprehensive, since rows and columns cannot be deleted (only content can be deleted).

Still don’t understand which macro you are talking about. Which action did you try to record? What is the result of your recording? What do you expect? Nobody is behind your shoulder and watching your screen - so what is obvious to you is opaque (:-)) to readers of your question.

Provide the macro code and it might get clearer.

You can delete a row (a column respectively) in the sense that the contents are disposed and the contents formerly contained in the sheet below (right of) the delete row (column) get one row higher (one column to the left). (In addition a new row at the bottom -R1048576- (a new column AMJ) is inserted.)
This is equivalent with selecting all the complete rows below (columns to the right) and moving them up by one row (left by one column).

You can not delete a row in the sense that the row number hence not is present, and the sheet has a total of one less rows. The logical size of a sheet is unchangeable and so is the sequential numeration of rows and columns.

This does not depend on whether the operations are ordered via the user interface or by user code (“macro”).

I didn’t clearly understand the question, but the OQ may be afflicted by a frequent misunderstanding concerning the recording of macros. The recorder is not an “interaction logger”. If you change the selection while recording a macro, the new selection is recorded and saved as a constant (“name”).