How do I remove a hyperlink from a cell in calc and replace it with plain text?

How do I remove a hyperlink from a cell in calc and replace it with plain text?

You are talking of a hyperlink assigned to a portion of text?
Is this about automatically recognized hyperlinks?
There also is a .Hyperlink property of the cell itself (not easily accessible from the UI) and the HYPERLINK() function.
Please give more detail.


  • To remove the hyperlink: Select the cell and CTRL+M
  • To edit the hyperlink: Mark the text and CTRL+K
  • To prevent creation at all: Deactivate Tools -> AutoCorrect Options ... -> Tab: Options -> Option: [ ] URL recognition

Hope that helps.

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Thanks. For whatever the reason, the Ctrl+m keystrokes were having no impact on the link (btw, what I was trying to accomplish was to have email addresses not turn into links when entered into a Calc db). I did find that deactivating URL Recognition allowed me to manually clear the hyperlink from a cell, then retype the address and have it appear as plain text. Thanks again.