seek operation could not be run when saving to RTF

When saving my document to RTF I get the message “The seek operation could not be run”
Upgraded to the latest version but still get the same error
If I cut the document (about 13.5 Mb) in half I still get this message.
The document was in Word docx format that I converted to ODT.

What causes this error and how can I solve it?

Which operating system do you use? Seek operation points to your storage media - on which storage media do you try to store your rtf file and from which storage media do you read the original document?

The docx, odt and rtf specifications define specific storage formats. (These do not necessarily relate to the “live” data structure in the app you are working with, although each application has a “native” storage format which enables proper storage of structure.)

So, did you first open a docx and save it as odt, then open that to save it as rtf?

Docx and rtf are both Microsoft-defined storage formats. Odt is specified by an independent entity, and the two entities subscribe to different “schools of typography”. This is one reason why converting back and forth between them is known to cause a mess.

There are other reasons, mostly connected to “standards patching” (in lack of a better term) which makes the result when opening a Microsoft formatted document unpredictable, unless you are using Microsoft software.

Also, rtf is more or less abandoned, and the support for it is not excellent to say the least. Why do you need to save to this format? Can you use something else?

This is an error message emitted by LibreOffice. It could mean some bug in it (or not; of course, some underlying IO/HW problem can’t be excluded). A sample problematic file in a bug report would be required to reproduce and hopefully fix.