How can i disable macro's?

I have a calc document (test.ods), which used to have a macro.

How can i delete the macro’s from this document, so that i willl be able to open this document without the message:
Libreoffice - Security warning ‘Enable Macros’ / ‘Disable Macros’

The macro’s are deleted so i dont care about this question…

Menu/Tools/Macros/Organize macros/LibreOffice basic/, select the file and edit the macro, deleting their code.

I did just that and it still appears when i open the file.

I’ve been annoyed by this too. You delete the macro code but still get the warning. You need to delete the macro module too. Tools->Macros->Organize Macros->Libreoffice Basic Click the Organizer button. Navigate to the macro module in your file and delete it.

I did remove the code via the options Tools/Macros/Organize…
But i still got the question about ‘Enable Macros’…

Final solution i came up was to open the ods-file with 7-zip, and delete the folder ‘Basic’ in that file.

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See below link, path is: tools/macros/organize DIALOGS - modules tab/delete