How do I get my spreadsheet to print out in landscape

Under print preview it looks like it is going to print in landscape but it doesn’t.

This question seems to be a duplicate of How do I change the file page to landscape and you see to confuse math with calc (see your tagging).

If you print a landscape-layouted spreadsheet on a printer whose driver is set to portrait, you get a landscape-layouted print of the sheet on a portrait paper. Thus: Assure your printer is set to paper in landscape too. In other words: Assure that Format -> Page -> Tab: Page -> Option Orientation -> [o] Landscape and File -> Printer Settings -> Properties -> Orientation;: Landscape do match.

If I had an answer why would I ask you??

What does this answer answer?

It’s a strange reaction of users to the box “give an answer” that they see when they just created the question. I wonder how couldn’t they realize that that was an option like “if you know an answer, you may put it here; e.g., some time later you could discover it themselves …” - yet, some users seem capable of not understanding that, and get angry on that box.