libreoffice 6.2 starts ans stops immediately

I run under ubuntu 18.04 32 bits
I have just installed the extension LibreWe 1.0.7.
Now when I start libreoffice, it stops immediately.

I removed the file .oxt from LibreWeb
I have uninstalled libreoffice
the re-installed.
It asks le to install libreiffice-common: I done it
The problem is not solved. What to do ?
Help please, My libreoffice does not run anymore !!!


reset your user profile and since LibreOffice seems to not start any longer you need to do that from the command line:

  • Open a terminal program (konsole, gnome-terminal, etc.)
  • Execute: libreoffice --safe-mode
  • Archive your profile expanding Advanced (click on the word Advanced right above Help button) and click Archive User Profile button ( may be alternatively named Create ZIP archive from User Profile)
  • Select option Reset to factory settings
  • Activate [x] Reset entire user profile
  • Click button Apply Changes and Restart

Remark: Re-installing LibreOffice doesn’t help, if the cause of a problem is related to the user profile, since it won’t by changed the the uninstall/install procedure.

Hope that helps.

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