Plain text date to date type

Please, I have writtten the whole column as dates:


So, " ’ " is missing (apostrophe).
It is not data type, it is plain text.
Please, how to convert it to data type?

I need to get the form :
for the whole column , of course

Don’t really understand the terminology: “is not data type”? What is your LibreOffice version? What is your operating system name and version?

  1. Select cells.
  2. Right mouse click and select Format Cells.
  3. Number tab. From Format dialog select the data format you like to have.

    P.S. If you also need to remove apostrophe from cells (I don’t really understand your question), then there are multiple options to do this. I suggest to read the following post:

Try functions DATEVALUE() and TEXT()


This is the correct answer. Altair, you need to select it! I would upvote but just signed up so don’t have enough “karma.”

I think you have a data format. Just right-click on the cells, select Format Cells, goto Number tab and select there Date format and find your format “DD.mmm.YYYY” or if it is not there type it in the Format field.