Get response: Error 511

=SUMIFS(BA334:BB334;"=0";BD334;">0") returns this Error with no suggestions

I am trying to get the value in cell BD334 when it is >0 and BA334 and BB334 =)


Use =IF(AND(BD334>0;BA334=0;BB334=0);BD334;"") (don’t understand use of SUMIFS if you don’t want to calculate a sum, which by the way isn’t formed the way LibreOffice Help - SUMIFS function describes

What do the error codes(Err : NNN ) in a LibreOffice spreadsheet mean?

The formula has a colon where it should be semicolon.


I think it should read: =SUMIFS(BD334;BA334;"=0";BB334;"=0";BD334;">0") (OP stated he wants BD334 under 3 conditions), but anyway this would make the formula syntactically correct, but perhaps not logically. I did not further elaborate since the last criterion ">0" doesn’t work (for me) as I assumed it works. The formula yields 0, if all cells are empty, and I would expect no value in that case (but finally a decision of OP). That’s why I suggested the =IF(AND(.....)) approach.

For me it’s fine use SUMIFS in this way, more simple and clear than and IF with several conditions, and probably quicker…