How To Insert Page Numbers and File Names - with a space between

I learned how to insert page numbers in a footer.

Then I wanted to put the filename in there, too.

And I did. But it is stuck right next to the page number.

Can I separate them somehow?

I did find a thread that seemed to address this but I couldn’t get the method to work for me and it was 2 years old, maybe things are different (better?) now…


How exactly did you insert the information?

Can you link to the thread you mention?

Inserting a field is logically the same as typing a set of characters. If you don’t type explicitly extra characters like spaces between two fields, the group will be considered a single word.

Then, just insert spaces or tab in between.

It may be difficult to click exactly between the fields. Put the cursor before or after the group of fields and use arrow keys to move the cursor.

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