Unable to use Libra with Epson printer


I am using the word processor program from Libre version

I am unable to print out documents on an Epson printer EP-8-11AB

We tried several things trying to adjust the size etc., but none of that

makes sense, previously Open Office was compatible with this printer.

Please advise, Thank you,

Rhino Rick

Which operating system do you use?
How is your printer attached to your system (USB, network)?
Can you print using other applications?

BTW: Could not find a printer model EP-8-11AB on Epson website.

Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5
With USB cable
The only documents I have are the Libra and nothing happens.
The printer is a Japanese model from about 2 years ago.
Could it be that my Mac is incompatible with the printer?
Thank you

previously Open Office was compatible with this printer

How should I understand this, if you now ask Could it be that my Mac is incompatible with the printer? Did your printer work in the past on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5 or not? Please use macOS simple text editor, write a few words and try to print (not using LibreOffice). If that doesn’t work either, you have a more general problem than “Printing with LibreOffice doesn’t work

Thank you. It is a Japanese model about two years old.

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