Why does a file not retain bold or italics

I often use bold / italics / centering of headings in files but they disappear when I do any reformatting in the document. This sems a very basis issue.

What OS and LibreOffice version do you use?

How do you format your headings and texts?
Direct (hard) formatting?

Any way that we could get a sample copy to test? I cannot seem to duplicate this behaviour in LO 6.3. The headings retained their formatting containing bold, italics and centered text.

Which version of LO are you using, and are you using Linux, Windows, or Mac platform?

This sems a very basis issue.

What do you mean under sems? Also, if you are so smart that you can judge what is very basic, why aren’t you smart to solve your problem?

Sorry I thought this page was supposed to be helpful and not make personal coments about my ability to solve the issue.

You should use styles for your text and headings.
