calc copy+paste copies image but content


since some time it often happens, if I press strg+c to copy some content, that libreoffice/calc copies an image of the selected cells but the content. This is a pain and I guess there are some M$ trolls which modifies the code for undercutting the usability of the libre office suite.

Is there an options to prevent calc from copying images but content pressing strg+c?


Duplicate of Copy/Paste clipboard issues LibreOffice Calc

Thank you - I searched for similar questions but unsuccessful :wink:


Is there an options to prevent calc from copying images but content pressing strg+c?

Your assumption is wrong. Calc doesn’t copy images. It copies the content of a cell including all of its properties like borders, sizes, fonts, font effects etc. It is a matter of the application, where you paste the content to. The receiving application needs to handle the content it gets from the clipboard. An some application insert an image, some an OLE object, some text only. Just make a simple test on copy some range in calc and paste to Draw, Writer, Notepad++, kolorpaint, paintbrush, or use any of the Paste Special options. The result is different, while you only copied once

Therefore the answer is: Yes - it is possible to prevent to copy images, since it it doesn’t copy images.

How did you earn ~5.000 points? Posting such answers? No? Or?

Yes - I do… but you are free to downvote, if you don’t like to hear you making wrong assumptions. I’ll provide karma for you to enable downvoting… done. Go ahead.

Why should I downvote? You spend time to write an answer and really tried to answer my question reasonable. So you should be upvoted. But you form your opinion before your really read and understand the issue nor did you asking to clarify things. Instead you allege me to misunderstand the behavior and thats annoying and leads to useless answers.

The answer isn’t useless and it points to the right direction, since it is the clipboard manager destroying the content as @erAck’s link shows. You just don’t like that fact that I told you, you made a wrong assumption and that made you upset. That’s it.

But you form your opinion before your really read and understand the issue nor did you asking to clarify things.

I understood your question, read it and there was nothing to clarify, since your question was based on an opinion. It was up to you to clarify what you really meant. You had a question …

I copy and paste in libreoffice calc - no other application is involved…

Just selecting some cells, strg+c, move the cursor elsewhere, strg+v - and in one of 10 (or 20 etc) tries calc copied and image into the clipboard.

No - If, then the paste function has an error not the copy (I never saw this) and also keep in mind that clipboard managers may be involved. So - check also your clipboard manager. I cannot comment further on that, since you neither did mention your operating system, nor your LibreOffice version, so it is impossible to rebuild your test scenario.

And please do not use Add Answer if you actually don’t answer a question but commenting an answer. Please use add a comment for that purpose. Thanks in advance …

Now you are right with your assumption of the clipboard manager as you can see in the linked question. And yes, I will follow your hint to use comments but answers in the future.