How can I import a Paradox data base file?

I have a large Paradox .db file that I would like to import into Base, if possible. How can I do this?

Hi @ledlighter, I use paradox-dbase-reader.exe to export Paradox database data to excel files (, which you can import into Base.

If you want a way to import database structure and data. I think not an easy way. Maybe someone else can help.

Gnumeric can also import Paradox files (no blobs) and save it as ods file.

hi… which paradox file save the important data? Is it db and mb file? I already read db file. Not all data that I need in db file. So, i need to find out which file contain the rest of data. please help me…

The mb files are the blobs. They hold long text (>256), pictures, binary data. I wasn’t able to read mb files so far. Check this link out. The IBDatapump should convert Paradox to Firebird which Base can read.

An other option is to buy an older Corel Suite or Paradox alone (you have to ask Mr. Google) and convert your files to a format that Base can read.

Use Full Convert, and here is how: Paradox to dBase conversion.