undo auto filter sort ascending in calc

I did an auto filter on a column of numbers, the numbers are in no particular order. I then selected sort ascending on the auto filtered column and they were sorted low number to high, very nice. now I want them back to the original order… I cannot find the method to return them back… any help is appreciated.

Click the “AutoFilter” icon in the toolbar “Standard” or in the Data>AutoFilter menu.

yes thats how I apply and remove my auto filter… after doing so I did a sort ascending. I now want to remove the sort ascending and return the sheet to normal…

if you have saved inbetween the only [edit] ‘original’ / [/edit] ‘normal’ may be in your backup,

if not [ctrl-Z] may help you out, if you did other changes after the sort you’ll need more than one ctrl-Z and loose the subsequent changes,

undo is quite powerful and mostly correct in calc, standard is 100 steps stored, for some actions it needs multiple ctrl-Z for undo as the steps are divided into substeps, thus sometimes you see no ‘action’ on the screen but calc does something internally,

you can see if and how many steps are available on the yellow ‘undo-arrow-button’ in the menu bar,