Can't copy external text into Writer

I’m having a problem copying/pasting text with Writer.

I can’t take a copy from any external source - Notepad, web page, Google Keep - and paste it into Writer. No matter what the external source, all I get in Writer is a dash.

I can copy internally in a Writer doc or even from one Writer doc to another, but nothing external will paste.

Any idea what’s going on?


Windows 10 Home up to date, LO, Firefox browser

No idea here. I just copied (Ctl-C) part of your question from Firefox into (Ctl-V) a LO Writer document (v6.0.7.3). Are you sure that there isn’t something else involved on your computer besides your browser and LO?

What if you paste it as unformatted text?

Having the same issue! Running Windows 10 and LibreOffice 7.1. Can’t even paste using PureText, which is a helper program designed to paste unformatted text.

After a reboot, removal of the latest Win10 update that has been causing all sorts of problems, another reboot and restarting LO, the problem seems to have resolved. If anything changes, I’ll repost.
