How to manupulate data without using a macro?

I have very simple table with a few columns, I need to perform a series of operations on this table and to every other similar table content that I could paste (same columns, different values set) kind of operations that would be simple using a database and stored procedures but I have to use calc:

  1. obtain the total of a given column grouping for another column, so for example sum column E grouping equal values for columns D at this point I would have a table/recordset with the calculated results, maybe in another sheet.
  2. filter/sort the dataset with different criteria, it would be a really good thing to be able to save the filters without storing any macro; a quick example could be “sort by column K then E and consider the rows where F > 100” again with the result in another sheet or portion of the page.

Storing these procedures would really help my work when it comes to analyze big amounts of datasets, providing the relevant results conveniently organized in separate sheets. An alternate solution using the macro could be to create a dataset from the table then manipulate it with SQL commands, would that be possible eventually?

hi @elnath78,

a sample would help,

anyway, you describe the repetition of defined processes, standard solution: macros …

they are not especially easy in LO, :frowning:

you may try alternatives, e.g. copy the data filtered into other areas, to reference there, e.g. via ‘if’ and other conditions, via hlookup and vlookup, or via ‘advanced filter’,

e.g. - shaken out of the sleeve - copy all lines with text1 in column a to an output area on sheet 2 with an advanced filter, and all other lines (colA <> text1) to sheet 3 with a second filter. there you can drag, sort, group, or transfer subsets to other regions with additional filters … if you have fun, you can also merge the partial results elsewhere …

  1. learning macros gradually anyway is correct,

  2. many ways lead to Rome, which one is the best depends on the concrete use case, and for example also on whether you want to work out a rigid solution, or whether it should be adaptable for later, and if then how …

