Database showing two tables but problem with the marriage table

Libreoffice Base ver 6.4 on Windows 10.
I am very interested in family history and am building a database which covers marriage and children of that marriage. I have two tables covering marriages and births/baptisms.
When I go to my form screen which shows a table for the marriages and a table for the children of that marriage I find that if the marriage has four children each child is shown ok but the marriage is shown four times.
What have I done wrong? Screenprint attached.

Screenprint, Libreoffice Base, Marriage and Children.JPG


This is not much to go by. Screenshots often do not tell much. You need to explain how the form was created. Is it based upon tables or queries (my guess) and if a query what is the query? If based upon tables is this a form and sub form and how is it linked (this is most common method)?

Always is helpful knowing database you are using.

Hi, It very much looks like I was trying to over complicate things by adding queries etc. I have attached several screenshots to let you see the way I was going. Many thanks.

C:\fakepath\Baptism Table Design.JPG C:\fakepath\Marriage Table Design.JPG C:\fakepath\Query Baptisms.JPG(/upfiles/15826371513072516.jpg) C:\fakepath\Query Marriages.JPG

Sorry, I now realise why I went the way I did. I have two spreadsheets, marriage and baptism (from church records). I was trying to bring these together. Is this possible?

I am using Firebird, apparently that is the recommended path now.

Thank you very much, problem resolved.


Have created a mock-up of your Base file. Two tables - Marriages & Children. The marriages table was reduced to minimal fields for the demo and the Children table was reduced to eliminate duplication of information already in the Marriages table.

The item that appears missing in the provided image was a link from the Children table to the Marriages table. With this link it is easy to create a form with a main form and a sub form. This sub form is connected to the main form via this link (relationship). Then when a record is selected on the main form it automatically displays the related records in the sub form. You can add record to either.

Sample ------ FamilyHistory.odb

Select Templeton, James in Marriages to see Children entered.

For further information on forms and sub form see the Base documentation → LibreOffice Base Handbook

As for joining the two, you can use an SQL statement to join each record in the Children table to the associated record in the Marriages table. Using the sample I have attached, the SQL would be:

SELECT * FROM "Marriages" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM "Children" ) ON "Marriage_ID" = "Marriages"."ID"