Office Writer

I type in a few lines of code in Writer:

Line One
Heading One
Line Two
Another heading.

When I apply the style for Heading One everything in the document is changed to H1 format. I just need the Heading One format to have H1.

How do I fix this?


Possible causes:

  1. You pressed the shift key with the return (enter) key. This inserts a line break instead of a paragraph break. With only line breaks, all your lines count as one paragraph. (Even when you insert two consecutive line breaks to space lines apart, that is only a visual effect and does not constitute a paragraph break in wordprocessing terms.) This may also happen if a shift key on your keyboard is stuck.
  • To identify, activate viewing of non-printing characters. This is toggled by the icon on the standard toolbar. A paragraph break is shown as , while a line break is shown as
  • To resolve, place the insertion point at the beginning of each new line, press backspace to remove the on the preceding line, then press enter to get the .
  1. You had all your text selected when you changed to heading style. This is another thing that may be caused by a stuck shift key when you move your insertion point, and also if you click+drag instead of single click to move it.
  • To resolve, make sure that you do not have multiple lines selected.

You are correct. I am now receiving the functionality I expected. Thank You

Be kind enough to click on the grey check mark at top left of the answer to reward @keme who provided you a valuable advice. The mark turns green but it may take a while. So don’t click twice, this would cancel the notification.

Every one of the boards has extensive rules that are almost never explained. How convoluted in the process. No slight intended.

Open the main page and look for How to use the Ask site in the top right part :wink: - but that’s not a problem. You are not expected to know everything from the start, and are guided to do right when needed. Thank you!