Reported as bug: LibreOffice Bug 131302
Adding a caption to an inserted image injects an unnecessary space in the index when it is generated. This is another difference between OpenOffice 4.6 and LO6.3 that can be overridden but is very annoying. If I insert an image and create a caption, for example a Map, I see the following in the index. This seems to be occurring when the caption is created since the extraneous character can be deleted later. For example, insert an image, create a caption, update master doc and its indices.
In the above I have turned on see special characters, note the ‘.’ before the last entry and Map 10. If I re-edit the caption and backspace before the entry Map 10 in the caption that surrounds the image (its frame), a character is there and is deleted, but you cannot see it when editing the document.
Once deleted the index is fine. This is a bug, or was the design point to have extraneous spaces before all entries in any index? And the index fixed below.