How to programatically determine cell position where user macro was invoked [RESOLVED]

I am writing a Basic function that calls a Python function that returns an array of values. What I want to do is have these values placed in columns to the right of the cell where the Basic function was invoked. In order to do that I (think) I need the co-ordinates of the cell containing the Basic function.

For example:

=myBasicFunc(arg) result_1, result_2 result_3 … result_n

Question: how do I programatically determine the cell address containing the User Function?

You can’t.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Assuming that rather terse statement is correct, can you propose a solution to the problem?

Additionally to absent means to get address of cell this spreadsheet function runs in, there’s another rule that must never be violated (although you might technically do it, because reliably preventing it would bring too much overhead): a spreadsheet function must never change other cells. If you need your other cells to change, they need own formulas that depend on value in this one.

Thanks Mike.

I think I will need to change the function to take two arguments instead of one. Arg_1 is the original argument, and arg_2 identifies which element of the array I want returned. That way, although I have to specify multiple functions across the row, I get what I want and I don’t violate the abovementioed rule.

Thanks for your help.