Add color using dropper?

so i get you can add custom colors using the various palette tools and numerical RBG/CKMY values. i need to an an EXACT color from a .png file and cannot match it accurately enough by eye.

since we obviously have a “color match” function built in (the color replacer dialogue’s dropper) is there no way to add a specific color to the palette from an existing image or document?

this seems like extraordinarily basic functionality (i know it has existed across MS Office and Adobe suite products for years and decades - and yet i can find no reference anywhere to copying an existing color to a palette in libre office. surely this can be done? anyone?

Under Menu: Tools - Options: LibreOffice - Colors you can specify a new color, when you know the RGB/HEX/CMYK code of that color.

Currently I’m not aware of a way to get that color code within LO, so you need to use an external tool for that.

Here is one for example:

Or if you are on windows, you can even us MS Paint, see:

there is also a link to an Firefox add-on.


Hmm…if there isn’t a way to get the color code within LO, that sounds like a good candidate for an enhancement bug.

This is not nearly satisfactory. There should be a color picker in/accessible from color selection dialogs.
