calculate a formula only if past a due date

I have a simple subtraction formula (Col.B less Col.C equals Col.D) but I only want to see a result if we have past the due date as entered into Col.A. EG: Col.A has a due date; Col.B has the amount; Col.C has the amount paid; Col.D calculates the balance due, but only if today has past the due date in Col.A.


=IF(TODAY()>Col.A;Col.B-Col.C;"") into Col.D (which of course is using your meta - syntax and of course assuming that less should mean minus (subtraction)).
Examples for specific rows:

=IF(TODAY()>A2;B2-C2;"") into D2
=IF(TODAY()>A3;B3-C3;"") into D3
=IF(TODAY()>A4;B4-C4;"") into D4

… and so on

Note: You need to assure that Col.A contains real calc dates (which is integers) and not text for the formula to work.

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Thank you so much. That works beautifully. Love the LO community.

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Rather than having TODAY() in each and every formula calculated, set up one cell with =TODAY() and reference that cell in the formulas using an absolute cell reference, e.g. $E$5

That way TODAY() needs to be calculated only once (and you can even simulate a different date easily).