Convert mac OS X 'numbers' document?

Is it possible to convert an old mac OS X ‘numbers’ document to something in LibreOffice xor do i just have to start over again?

File | Open and open the Filter drop down list - scroll down; if you select an option, only files of that type will be displayed in the selection list.

Of course, you can simply navigate to a .numbers file and open it.

Among a dozen or so other things, what i get is (like i mentioned for ‘Grapher’) is hundreds of pages of XML source code… it’s a simple one page document, mostly empty space at that.

Zamzar seems to offer some options for converting some types of Numbers files to formats that can be opened by LO Calc. For example, xlsx - Microsoft Excel 2007 Spreadsheet.

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Isn’t LibreOffice capable of opening .numbers files through filter Apple Numbers (*.numbers) or do I miss the essence of the question?

I missed that; my offer numbers 2

Thanks robleyd, Opaque; i will be looking into these things.