Why Writer prints label boilerplate on full sheet when no data?

I am printing labels to a 2 X 4 label sheet. There are only 4 records in my database, thus I would expect only 4 labels to print. However, writer still prints all 8 labels on the sheet, with the extra 4 only printing the boilerplate text. This is a waste of both ink and labels. How do I suppress the extra labels from printing? I have tried adding a section around my boilerplate (in my case, my return address) with conditional formatting to hide the boilerplate if a data field is blank or null. This works for actual records where that field is indeed blank, but for some reason this does NOT suppress the boilerplate when a record does not exist at all. I have also tried to find conditional functions for testing if the current record is in range, or if a field equals a specific value, but nothing I have tried will suppress the boilerplate or otherwise stop the extra labels from printing.

There is a possibility to avoid printing “useless” labels, but I only can forward the link of a page of a German OpenOffice wiki: EtikettenSparen - Archiv des LibreOffice- und OpenOffice.org-Wiki


The trick is to use hidden paragraphs and adequate conditions when to hide them. If you use graphics so embed them in a frame which also can be hidden under specific conditions. All of that is not self explaining so find a possibility to translate the mentioned text, accidentially. - Cheers