Converting pptx to pdf issue


I am trying to convert the attached test.pptx. ( to pdf with libreoffice 4.1.2 using a tool like jodconverter (

Libreoffice is being run in headless mode. And the command i use to convert pptx to pdf is -
java -Doffice.home=/opt/libreoffice4.1 -jar jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4.jar test.pptx converted.pdf

I am finding one major issue. When i open the file test.pptx with libreoffice impress test.pptx it shows the background image in green colour ( but the document converted using libreoffice headless shows the background in black colour ( . Not sure why this difference is…

Do i need to pass any extra params while converting ? Any suggestion would be of great help.



Just answering this myself as i could figure out. I needed to convert the document to PDF1-A specification rather than pdf (PDF 0). So, passing an option selectPdfVersion ‘1’ solved my issue.