why is all my words are missing?

Starting today, there’s absolutely no text in my screen. I can type text, and the cursor moves and something is being selected, but I can’t see it. All the text is missing, in the entire program. Toolbars, documents, popup windows, buttons. No text at all, anywhere. In the menu bar, there are little dashes or underlines at the beginning of where the word “file”, “edit”, etc are supposed to be, but that’s all. The only text that remains, anywhere,is the words LibreOffice on the titlebar. Every LibreOffice program I have opened is the same.

Please test with a clean profile Menu/Help/Restart in Safe mode.

In such a case, OS name and version is an essential information. LO version also, mostly if you just upgraded. There are many OSes in the wild: Windows, MacOS, Linux’es, BSDs, Unixes and many others.

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