add section number to page number

I can easily add a section or chapter number to page numbers in a footer, but I am having trouble adding section numbers in the table of contents.
i.s. pg 1-1, 2-1, and 3-1…3-2, 3-3, 3-4…

(Subject) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Page #

  • Chapter 1…1-1
  • heading one… 1-1
  • subheading 1… 1-1
  • subheading 2…1-3
  • subheading 3…1-3
  • heading two… 1-3
  • subheading 1… 1-3
  • subheading 2… 1-4
  • subheading 3… 1-5
  • Chapter 2… 2-1
  • heading one…2-1
  • subheading 1…2-2
    • subheading 2…2-3
    • subheading 3…2-4
  • heading two…2-4
    • subheading 1…2-4
    • subheading 2…2-5
    • subheading 3…
  • Chapter 3…
  • heading one… 3-1
  • subheading 1…3-1
    • subheading 2…3-2
    • subheading 3…3-3
  • heading two…
  • subheading 1…
  • subheading 2…
  • subheading 3…`

TOC entries formatting is controlled by Insert>Indexes & Tables>Indexes & Tables (or right-click in TOC and Edit Table), Entries tab.

The Structure line is a template for the entries. By default, it is

 LS E# E T # LE

The buttons under this line show the available “fields” you can insert, among the Chapter No..

Put the cursor in the space (text box) between T and # and push Chapter No.. You get:

 LS E# E T E# # LE

Enter a - in the text box between E# and # without extra space if you want the chapter number, dash and page number to be contiguous.

Press All to transfer this structure to all levels. But, beware, your example hints that levels 2+ have not the same structure as level 1 (the chapter number does not precede the heading).


Question was edited. Though no remark explained what was modified, it seems that numbering of level-1 was removed, making my last remark pointless.

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