Difference in file size

I have a pdf and it has a 2k+ pages on it I created it on microsft word the converted it to pdf using acrobat and the file size was 3mb+ then I updated my documents after a months and I added a more than a hundred of pages to my docs and this time I converted it using LibreOffice Writer(using the extension for creating pdf) because I found out converting here was way faster than Acrobat, so after converting I just saw the file size created in LibreOffice to be smaller it was down to 2mb+ it was smaller than the previous pdf created in Acrobat, even though I just added lot of new pages on it, yet I got a smaller file size instead I’m worried that maybe some pages has gone missing for the file size to shrink.

Btw I’m using same fonts and font size in LinreOffice and MS Word since I downloaded a font package for linux, and I just opened a MS Word file to LibreOffice to convert it, so tell me why the file size converted from Acrobat and LibreOffice are differnet?

Maybe because the parameters used in LibreOffice to export are different than used in Acrobat, llike font embedded or not, graphics resolution, etc. And also the filter doing the convesion is not Acrobat.

using LibreOffice Writer

Why do you use so many Tags when you only work with Writer?

Is it a system for confusion?