CoinMP Solver on LibreOffice Calc

I am running LibreOffice 6.4.2 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (the version that comes preinstalled by default) and I noticed that it does not have the CoinMP Solver. When I open the Solver Options, I only have two options:

  • LibreOffice Linear Solver
  • LibreOffice Swarm Non-Linear Solver

There is no CoinMP solver, which as far as I remember used to be the default solver on LibreOffice. Is it possible to enable or install CoinMP solver?

Ask your friendly Ubuntu LibreOffice package maintainer. The CoinMP solver has to enabled (or rather not disabled) during build time.

Ok, I’ll post this question on Ask Ubuntu… later I’ll post their answer here

I installed the fresh PPA version of LibreOffice using sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libreoffice. The mix of solvers changed, now with 2 evolutionary solvers and the other 2 solvers that were already showing up. No CoinMP in the PPA version.