Floating hyperlink

My name is Eric Eastman.
I’m running LibreOffice 6.2 on a Macbook Air under macOS Catalina ver.10.15.3
I’m a power Mac user with over 10 years experience with Microsoft Office.
I’m new to LibreOffice, and so far am very impressed.

My question is, is there a way to easily get back to the Table of Contents from, let’s say, page 235?
Is there a way to build a floating hyperlink, for example?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

A powerful, yet underestimated, feature of Writer is the “Navigator” (F5 if not yet displayed in the side pane).

The Headings section exhibits the chapter structure of your document shrinkable tree. Double click on any chapter title to jump there. TOC is one the “chapters”.

CAUTION! this relies on a consistent use of the Heading n paragraph styles.

Edit (use the edit link) your question to describe what you mean with “floating hyperlink” in terms of visual aspect and behaviour; what is the target of the link? is it included in some paragraph of the main text flow? Is it set on its own on the side of the text (like a picture)? Any information useful to imagine an implementation. I’ll then update my answer.

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Yes, the Navigator is an excellent tool for the developer, but what I failed to make clear in my question is how can I make it easier for my readers of the pdf I send out to get back to the TOC?

BTW, when I try to upvote I get the message “5 points required to upvote”. What does that mean?

My PDF viewer (Okular) has a side toolbar with Contents, Thumbnails, Annotations, Bookmarks buttons. Provided, the PDF was generated with document outline (I think this is called “Bookmarks” in the User interface of the export dialog); the TOC is presented in the side pane. Capters and other sub-chapters are clickable. This side panel is always present (unless user-hidden); therefore there is no real need to jump back to the TOC; just click on a title).

This may vary with the PDF reader. Experiment.

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Thanks very much!