Calc cell copied to other cells displays 0 but has correct content

To determine student grades I needed to compute a weighted average of homework and test scores. I used a formula for the first student, copied it, and pasted it to all the other students’ cells. This has worked fine for several years. But not this time. The first student’s average displayed correctly: the formula in the formula bar and the value in the cell. But for all the other students the cells displayed 0 while the location bar showed the right formula, with correctly referenced cells. This persisted on closing, then re-opening LO, and even upgrading to the latest version, 6.4.3 under macOS Sierra.
When I exported the spreadsheet to .xlsx format and opened it in Apple’s Numbers app, all the cells showed the proper content. So the information is there, it just isn’t displayed right.
Before doing this I installed the CT2N extension to try to convert cell content of the form 1.23+4.56 to a number. It didn’t work, and I couldn’t find any way to do that, so gave up. But could this extension have somehow messed me up? How do I get back to normal behavior?

If you expect an analysis of your problem you should upload an anonymized version of your sheet. At least mention your locale, which may have a comma , as decimal delimiter and therefore 1.23+4.56 might not be recognized as a formula to add numbers, but kept as text.

If you gave the exact cell content, if that indeed is 1.23+4.56 i.e. not a formula =1.23+4.56 then it is text and no conversion will change that other than inserting a = equal sign as first character, provided that your locale’s decimal separator is the . dot. Which you can do by

  • select/mark the cell range
  • invoke Find&Replace (Strg+H)
  • Find: ^(.)
  • Replace: =$1
  • Options:
  • enable Current selection only
  • enable Regular expressions
  • hit Replace All