Calc - Right Click Spelling Correction Not working.

When I right click on an incorrect spelling (with a red squiggly lines), no suggestions for correct words shown. Untitled.pngUntitled 1.ods

Which LibreOffice version and platform? Works here with 6.4 on Linux.

However, try to select the word (double-click) and then right-click for context menu.

I am using Version: (x64) on Windows 10, and Version on Ubuntu 20.04. I face this issue on both of these platforms. I will be attaching a spreadsheet with a mis spelled word. “notifid” instead of notified. The right click still does not show corrected spellings.

The problem is the wrapped cell text. If you widen the cell such that the misspelled text is on the first line then it works. That’s a bug. Please report in the bug tracker.